marque : ORVIS
Prix public conseillé : 59.9 €

Chaussettes montantes au-dessus du mollet, destinées à la pêche par temps frais. Elles sont composées de laine mérinos thermorégulatrice, d’un nylon robuste et d’un LYCRA à mémoire de forme. Pièces de renfort. Maille côtelée 1×1 qui évite à la chaussette de glisser sous les pieds

Chaussettes montantes chaudes et épaisses pour la pêche en wading par temps froid
• laine Merino thermorégulante
• coupe anatomique
• composition 76% Merino, 23% nylon , 1% LYCRA
• Made in USA

Chaussettes ORVIS Heavyweight Otc Wader Sock Dk Grey - XSOR3A15895059.9 €Dark GreyXS
Chaussettes ORVIS Heavyweight Otc Wader Sock Dk Grey - SOR3A15895159.9 €Dark GreyS
Chaussettes ORVIS Heavyweight Otc Wader Sock Dk Grey - MOR3A15895259.9 €Dark GreyM
Chaussettes ORVIS Heavyweight Otc Wader Sock Dk Grey - LOR3A15895359.9 €Dark GreyL
Chaussettes ORVIS Heavyweight Otc Wader Sock Dk Grey - XLOR3A15895459.9 €Dark GreyXL

La marque ORVIS

Founded in 1856, ORVIS has been an unrivalled institution in the ly fishing world for over a century. Founded on deep-rooted human values and with an eye to nature, the company has become a key player on the "fly fishing planet", developing product ranges designed and developed by anglers in a perpetual quest for innovation. Today, ORVIS is a pioneering company for the entire global fly-fishing industry, driving the market with its flagship products that equip anglers all over the world.

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